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Traffic Ticket Attorneys in Orange County
(don't forget to read the caveats!)

Everyone claims that they are a safe driver, and they just get screwed by an officer of the law choosing to inflict their power upon them, instead of the other 70 drivers that were also breaking the speed limit that were driving right next to you.  Well, if you feel you have been unjustly ticketed, or got too many tickets, or just want to beat the system for the heck of it, you could try the Traffic Ticket Attorneys in Orange County, at 714-543-8885.  Usually, they charge you the cost of the fine of your infraction, and an extra $150 or so for their services.   An article in the paper said that these attorneys got tired of doing the messy divorce cases, and other bullshit, and decided to focus on just traffic tickets.   They represent you in court, you don't have to do anything. 

Here is their record with me over the last six years
1.  Radar ticket - accused of doing 70 mph in a 45 mph. 
Officer said I was doing 85 going up hill separating Huntington Beach from Newport Beach, and wrote me up for 70.  There is never radar at the top of this hill in 20 years of driving there.  I told that to Attorney.  Attorney asked officer at the court appearance  if he had paperwork showing that this particular area was surveyed for radar limit of 45 mph.  Officer said no.  Case dismissed

2.  Unsafe lefthand turn
I took the Sand Canyon Exit from 405 going South, and turned into the street there(deserted street with deadend).  Unfortunately, officer was eating lunch at the deadend, and saw me coming through at what seemed to him to be a high rate of speed, possibly because the entire backend of the car was out of shape and I was throwing gravel everywhere.  Officer didn't show up in court. Case dismissed

3.  Accused of going 100+ on the freeway on the 101 freeway by an officer in a podunk country type of town.. I saw the officer on the other side of the freeway, going the OPPOSITE way.  So I slowed down to about 75 mph or so.  About 15 minutes later, I see a black ball headed towards me about a mile back.  I slowed down to 65 mph.   I get pulled over, and the officer said he had to follow me for 15 minutes at 130 MPH to catch up to me, and that I was speeding.  However, there is no way in hell he clocked me from behind, as I saw him behind me way before he could get a reading on me.   Besides, how safe is it going 130 MPH in a MUSTANG.  Attorney noticed that the wrong infraction number was written on the ticket.   Plea bargained down from 2 point ticket to "going over 55 on the freeway", traffic school okay to erase ticket.  No points!

4.  Accused of going 85 in a 65 zone.  Again on the 101 by same podunk country type of town, on the route back home from Laguna Seca. The Traffic Ticket Attorney went up north to fight the ticket on my behalf.  Officer showed up in court, INSISTED he followed me and Wayne going 85 mph.  The dude totally lied in court, as we saw him on the OPPOSITE side of the freeway going in OPPOSITE direction, and figured he would turn around, so we slowed down to about 75.  We saw him weaving in and out of traffic for about a mile or so, and we slowed down to 65 behind a semi truck.  He still pulled us over, accusing us of speeding.  The judge was probably his brother, inbred, redneck, cheating bastard..  GUILTY AS CHARGED

Wayne is 2 for 3 with them:
Latest was that Wayne was accused of "exhibition of speed" right on Main Street in Huntington Beach by the pier.  Meaning that a Mustang was revving on him, and Wayne did the same thing and lit up his tires.  Cops swarmed around Wayne like he was Charles Manson.  This is a two point infraction.  The Traffic Ticket Attorney setup a meeting with Wayne and the DA.  At first court appearance, DA basically said, "Why are we here, I don't do traffic cases? Get lost".  Another hearing set, and Wayne and Traffic Ticket Attorney show up, and Attorney rambles on about how this is this second time in court, last time the DA didn't want to talk about the case even though he and  his client show up, blah blah blah.  Judge kinda cocked his head acted like he didn't quite understand what the reasoning is, but Attorney said, "we request traffic school", and judge agreed!   A two pointer reduced to traffic school!!

However, Alex V. is 0 for 3:
Bummer for Alex. So it doesn't work all the time.  But, betting money on John Farris, Traffic Ticket Attorney, seems to be a good thing, considering that if you get too many points, your insurance could go up $1000 a year for many years........so every possible point you can get off your ticket can help....so I figure from past experiences, it is about a 50-60% chance you can beat your ticket in court, and the cost is $150 bucks.   You never know when you might get unfairly singled out of a crowd of speeders, so you gotta make sure you do whatever you can to make your point count equal to Zero.